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Saturday 19 March 2011

An InTrOdUcTiOn To MySeLf.........

I had always felt that two more personalities exist in me apart from me, and as per my convenience I had categorized them as  KiD and ADULT. I had also named them, KiD as RiNu and ADULT as SPRIHA. So here I have in total three personalities as RiNu, Saumya and SPRIHA. All the three goes with me side-by-side.

RiNu is very kiddish...she is a kid of 2 years, very naughty, very cute and very lovely; SPRIHA on the contrary run 5 years older than my (saumya) actual age. This is the reason there is a big battle often between Saumya and SPRIHA, RiNu is least bothered about such fights...she just enjoy, enjoy life in every situation, laugh heartily and make others laugh as well. Saumya is often confused with life and busy in her daily chores. SPRIHA is the Advisor. :)

Because of the existence of RiNu and SPRIHA I am often confused what to do now? One shouts for what and other shouts for another. Where should I go now, I am like sandwich mostly between these TWO.

A few days ago, I found that being a Geminian I bound to have TWIN PERSONALITIES. The Gemini presents  two distinctive sides to his or her personality, and you can never be sure with which personality you are going to face to face. On one hand, the gemini can be outgoing, flirtatious, communicative and ready for fun, fun, fun, Yet when the other twin is present, you can find this air sign contemplative, serious, restless, and even indecisive. Versatility is a great keyword for this dual sign. Expressive and Quick-witted. Both the twins are able to adapt to life's circumstances well, making Geminian a wonderful people to know. Things are never boring when gemini is on the scene.

The above paragraph I had copied from some zodiac sign website, so its all what my zodiac sign says and not particularly I. But I hope all geminian will agree from its description. As now I have found the answer of the battle which goes inside me daily.

In this blog, there will be the experiences felt by my twin personalities hence KaHi-AnKaHi.